2022 Goal Planner

Before you rush into making plans for the new year don’t forget to reflect on the year you’ve just had. Evaluating our past is really helpful for many reasons – not least because it helps us to actively look for and count our blessings – but also because it is the foundation from where we are creating the new, and we all know what happens to the folks who built their house on the sandy land (old school hymn ref just in case you’re wondering!).
It’s important to have some awareness of where we are right now before we move forward – knowing where we’ve been can help us to navigate where we are going.

Click the link to download this free worksheet – its a little focus page to help you understand the year you’ve just had and to begin shaping the year to come. I hope you find it helpful – give me a shout if you’d like more pointers.
Lastly, especially given the two years we’ve just had, don’t forget to 1. Dream Big – yes, you, you deserve it. And 2. Go easy on yourself, you’re precious, and need to be treated as such.
Take care my lovely, until next time, Ku x