How are you doing?

We’re deep in our isolation journey and I’m finding it a little tricky now – are you? Of course, like everyone else, I’m missing family and friends. My youngest granddaughter is about to start walking and I never even saw her crawl! And grandchild no. 7 is due in 5 weeks – I really hope I’ll be able to hold him close when he arrives. But, even more than that I want us all to be safe of course.

So I’ve been writing letters to my grandchildren and adding cheerful rainbow stickers to the envelopes, I’ve sent a dozen cards to friends and family with flower seeds and matchbox kits in. And many, many of you have been sending these fab cards to the ones you miss – I really hope they bought a smile to their faces.

How are you doing?

Thank you for supporting a small indie business during this uncertain time and always – every like, comment, share and purchase really does make a difference! I appreciate you!

How are you doing?

Stay safe lovelies, #stayalert ha ha and look out for each other.

All love


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